Carbonate Anhydrous
We offer a wide range of Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous which is used as
a vital raw material in making of glass. This compound is also used
as a water softener during laundry and hence widely known as washing
soda. Formulated using quality ingredients, this compound find
application in photographic process and are also available in
anhydrous form. Indestructibly packaged, this compound can be
accessed from us in myriad of packaging.
We are leading suppliers of Sodium Carbonate. This is processed in
modern chemical plant using chemicals like sodium chloride and
sulfuric acid. The compound is also called Washing soda and widely
used by the pharmaceutical companies in preparation of antacid
tablets and syrups. Moreover, the compound is also used as food
additive, soaps and detergent powders. The chemical is a white
crystal powders with molecular weight of 106.
High Purity
Proper Chemical Composition
Intact Properties
Fine Particles